Server Parameters
Server Domain/IP apache - ()  Your IP address is:
Server ID Linux S850868.domain 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Dec 6 19:48:22 GMT 2011 x86_64
Server OS Linux  Kernel version:2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 Web Server
Server Language en-US,en;q=0.5 Server Port
Server Hostname S850868.domain Root Path /data/www/default
Server Admin Prober Path /data/www/default/p.php
Server Real time Data
Current Time 2025-02-16 17:01:15 Server Uptime 213 Days 6 Hours 33 Minutes
CPU Model [4Core] Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz | frequency:2099.996 | Secondary cache:4096 KB | Bogomips:4199.99 ×4
CPU Usage 12%us, 2%sy, 0%ni, 86%id, 0%wa, 0%irq, 0%softirq | View the chart
Space Usage Total Space 34.373 G, Used 34.373 G, Free 0 G, Rate 100%
Memory Usage Total Memory: 3.741 G , Used 2.281 G , Free 1.461 G , Rate 60.96
Cache Memory 1.169 G , Rate 31.24 % | Buffers 0.276 G
Real Memory Used 0.836 G , Real Memory Free 2.905 G , Rate 22.34 %
SWAP: 4.883 G , Used 0.018 G , Free 4.865 G , Rate 0.37 %
System Load 0.02 0.03 0.00 2/259
lo : In: 37 G 798 M 765 K 138 B Real time: 0B/s Out : 37 G 798 M 765 K 138 B Real time: 0B/s
eth0 : In: 86 G 885 M 868 K 589 B Real time: 0B/s Out : 108 G 612 M 247 K 142 B Real time: 0B/s
eth1 : In: 8 G 141 M 135 K 116 B Real time: 0B/s Out : 2 K 562 B Real time: 0B/s
PHP Modules
Core  date  ereg  libxml  openssl  pcre  sqlite3  zlib  bcmath  bz2  calendar  ctype  curl  
dba  dom  enchant  hash  fileinfo  filter  ftp  gd  gettext  gmp  SPL  iconv  session  
intl  json  ldap  mbstring  mcrypt  standard  mysqlnd  mysqli  odbc  mysql  PDO  pdo_mysql  pdo_sqlite  
Phar  posix  pspell  Reflection  imap  shmop  SimpleXML  snmp  soap  sockets  exif  tidy  tokenizer  
wddx  xml  xmlreader  xmlrpc  xmlwriter  xsl  zip  apache2handler  XCache  mhash  XCache Cacher  Zend OPcache  
PHP Parameters
PHP information PHPINFO PHP Version 5.6.31
Run PHP APACHE2HANDLER Memory Limit 128M
PHP Safe Mode × POST Max Size 50M
Upload Max Filesize 50M Floating point data of significant digits 14
Max Execution Time 300 Second Socket TimeOut 60 Second
PHP Doc Root × User Dir ×
Enable Dl × Set Include Path ×
Display Errors × Register Globals ×
Magic Quotes Gpc × "<?...?>"Short Open Tag
"<% %>"ASP Tags × Ignore Repeated Errors ×
Ignore Repeated Source × Report Memory leaks
Disabling Magic Quotes × Magic Quotes Runtime ×
Allow URL fopen Register Argc Argv ×
Cookie PSpell Check
Vmailmgr × Curl
SMTP SMTP Address localhost
Enable Functions Please click here for details
Disable Functions passthru  exec  system  chroot  chgrp  chown  
proc_open  proc_get_status  ini_alter  ini_alter  ini_restore  
Session Socket
Calendar Allow URL Fopen
GD Library bundled (2.1.0 compatible) Zlib
IMAP Jdtogregorian
Regular Expression WDDX
iconv Encoding mbstring
MCrypt Mhash
Other Components
Zend Version  Ver 2.6.0 Zend Guard Loader ×
eAccelerator × ionCube Loader ×
XCache  Ver 3.2.0 Zend OPcache  Ver 7.0.6-dev
MySQL   Ver 5.7.19 ODBC
Oracle OCI8 × SQL Server ×
dBASE × mSQL ×
SQLite  Ver Hyperwave ×
Postgre SQL × Informix ×
DBA database DBM database ×
FilePro database × SyBase database ×
Server performance Test
Reference Object Int Test
(1+1 Count 3 Million)
Float Test
(Pi times the square root of 3 million)
I/O Test
(10K file read 10,000 times)
CPU Information
Linode 0.357 Second 0.802 Second 0.023 Second 4 x Xeon L5520 @ 2.27GHz 0.431 Second 1.024 Second 0.034 Second 8 x Xeon E5520 @ 2.27GHz 0.421 Second 1.003 Second 0.038 Second 4 x Core i7 920 @ 2.67GHz 0.521 Second 1.559 Second 0.054 Second 2 x Pentium4 3.00GHz 0.343 Second 0.761 Second 0.023 Second 2 x Core2Duo E4600 @ 2.40GHz 0.535 Second 1.607 Second 0.058 Second 4 x Xeon E5530 @ 2.40GHz
This Server Not Tested
Not Tested
Not Tested
Network Speed Test

1000k bytes sent to the client data
Bandwidth 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 7M 8M 9M 10M
 Not Test 
MySQL Database connection detection
Host: Port: Username: Password:
Function Test
Enter the function you want to test:
Mail Send Test
Please enter your email address to test:
Based on probe Processed in 1.0182 seconds. 0.3MB memory usage. Back to top